3 Sept 2012

The World According To Me

Nice title huh?

Ok bits of the world...

It's impossible to be 100% certain, but I'm going with 95% sure the whole rape allegation thing is a set up with the CIA behind it. The lone accuser has known ties with CIA affiliated groups. The CIA is known to frame people with whatever bogus crime they can chuck at them to bring them down. The FBI has even been known to be involved in entrapment in such cases that Federal America doesn't like.

It stinks to high heaven and it plays on the worst side of human emotion. Rape is a horrific thing. By painting Assange as a rapist, they have turned every defender of him in to a "Rape Apologist". Humans tend to think in black and white. That's what it plays on. "The reliable main news media says Assange is wanted for serious rape charges, so he must be a rapist". These people forget who won awards for Journalism and revealed tens of thousands of documents and the Collateral Murder video. If you've not seen that video. Go look on youtube for "Collateral Murder". Go watch a trigger happy helicopter crew waste over a dozen people including those who came to rescue who had been shot already. As far as I know, attempting to get someone who has been shot to hospital is not a crime punishable by death from above. According to Federal America? Yeah it is. Nothing to see here. Move along.

If you're still unconvinced, do your own reading *at source* not via main stream media or some biased blog you found that has already judged Assange guilty of rape.

In my world? Yup. Assange may have some odd bedtime habits. I don't think he's a rapist. I think Federal America just wants him down for revealing the contempt Federal America has for foreign countries and foreign citizens via WikiLeaks.

The Euro
Roll up and witness the spectacle of the 2000's. Witness the unbelievable truth that when it comes down to it, it's not Goverments that control the world. It's the money that control's governments. You will not believe how the goal posts can be moved, time can be bought or how many millions of citizens can be screwed in to the ground to protect the interests of ... money. It's a meme thing. It's not (in my view) some vast Illuminati conspiracy. It's a meme. I know of some fairly clever people in the fiscal world who are still baying for the money presses to turn, for anything at all to happen to keep the market bullish to a degree and screw the people. They are not in some huge group (ok maybe the masons, but I doubt the women are so much).

It's just the mantra since around the 1980's (depends where you draw the line) has been continual growth, ever expanding liquidity based on ever expanding trickery. The ride can't stop. We made billions out of this! It just can't stop! Blame the population on less than average wage. Screw them. I want my thousands to keep piling up like they have done for decades ... The rich get richer. That's how it works right?

That's what you're up against. The machine can't fail for these people. They will happily short a falling market to make a profit. But when defaults and wipe out bankruptcy on a large scale becomes an issue? Oh hell no. They can't go there. Might actually loose a bundle of cash on that one.

We live in a world of sheep.
It's annoying as hell how these people breed and spread yet more sheep. We live in a world where potential statesmen can talk of "Legitimate Rape" and how women can magically reject sperm if it's not. We live in a world where people still believe the every word of the bible is true (that they choose to focus on). We live in a world of climate change deniers. On this already screwed up world we then have yet more billions who focus on the actions of minor celebrities and brand label products to validate themselves and determine who they can and can't associate with. It's the same world harbouring the new wave of Nazi. A whole wave of people who hate immigrants, gays and any other bogus religion except their own bogus religion.

But hey ... don't worry ... we can make jokes on Twitter and get pissed off with all that and just ignore it ...

Uh... Yes that's tempting. But it just lets the whole things slide towards slowly getting more and more stupid as each year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second passes.

It's insanely hard work fighting stupidity when you're outnumbered by thousands to one. But ... What's the alternative?


The world according to me is pretty bleak isn't it? On some levels I can get by on the fact I've just got this lifespan to go, then I'm out of it. Having children complicates it. Feels to me like there's little I can do beyond chipping away as best I can to give them a very tiny bonus for when I'm gone. I try to tell them not to be sheep. I don't know if it will stick. The sheep seem to be winning. If the sheep win. My children loose.

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